Spiritual Rebirth is real and inevitable!

Has your world ‘turned upside down’? Do you know why?

Do you wake up in the morning feeling anxious and not know why?

Have you been asking ‘what is all this for’ and there must be ‘a better way’?

Is there an urge inside you, but you’re not sure what the next step is?

Do you know there is a difference between a breakthrough and a breakdown?

Knowing our true Self dissolves conflict, restores our Inner Peace.

There is another way….here is your invitation to discover it!

In this workshop:

-  Discover the habit patterns and conditioning, you have been living by, that no longer serve you

-  Discover the beliefs, rules, values and behaviors that, once were necessary, but no longer fit

-  Discover the two most ‘important’ things limiting your aware connection with your Source

-  Discover why a spiritual rebirth is necessary in order to experience aliveness, joy and peace

-  Discover what the spiritual rebirth process is – as a part of the soul’s evolution

-  Receive greater understanding of the spiritual rebirth, minimizing any resistance and fear

-  Receive a way to navigate successfully through the spiritual rebirth

-  Discover a new Identity Who responds peacefully to the same world the old identity couldn’t